Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) is a village located in Little Andaman Taluk of South Andaman district in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Around 23 families reside in Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village. Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village is administered by Sarpanch(Head of village) who is elected every five years.
As per the Census India 2011, Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village has population of 67 of which 37 are males and 30 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 1 which is 1.49% of total population.
The sex-ratio of Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village is around
811 compared to
876 which is average of Andaman & Nicobar Islands state. The literacy rate of Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village is 83.58% out of which 86.49% males are literate and 80% females are literate. There are 0 Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0 Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) village.
Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) Population Facts
Number of Households | 23 |
Population | 67 |
Male Population | 37 (55.22%) |
Female Population | 30 (44.78%) |
Children Population | 1 |
Sex-ratio | 811 |
Literacy | 83.58% |
Male Literacy | 86.49% |
Female Literacy | 80% |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) % | 0 |
Scheduled Caste (SC) % | 0 |
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