North & Middle Andaman is one of district of Andaman & Nicobar Islands in India. There are 3 Taluks, 227 villages and 1 towns in North & Middle Andaman district.
As per the Census India 2011, North & Middle Andaman district has 26199 households, population of 105597 of which 54861 are males and 50736 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 11828 which is 11.2% of total population.
The sex-ratio of North & Middle Andaman district is around
925 compared to
876 which is average of Andaman & Nicobar Islands state. The literacy rate of North & Middle Andaman district is 74.51% out of which 78.72% males are literate and 69.96% females are literate. The total area of North & Middle Andaman is 3736 with population density of 28 per
Out of total population, 97.4% of population lives in Urban area and 2.6% lives in Rural area. There are 0 Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0.72% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in North & Middle Andaman district.
North & Middle Andaman Religion Population
Description | Population | Percentage |
Total | 105597 | 100% |
Hindu | 81163 | 76.86% |
Christian | 21870 | 20.71% |
Muslim | 2165 | 2.05% |
Religion not stated | 187 | 0.18% |
Buddhist | 84 | 0.08% |
Sikh | 77 | 0.07% |
Other religions and persuasions | 47 | 0.04% |
Jain | 4 | 0% |
North & Middle Andaman Urban & Rural Population
Out of total population, 50% of population lives in Urban area and 60% lives in Rural area
Description | Urban | Rural |
Area( | 5.95 | 3730.05 |
Number of households | 724 | 25475 |
Total Population | 2741 | 102856 |
Population (%) | 51.22% | 48.03% |
Male Population | 1404 | 53457 |
Female Population | 1337 | 49399 |
Sex Ratio | 952 | 924 |
Literacy (%) | 75.23% | 74.49% |
List of Taluks in North & Middle Andaman
Check out complete list of all Taluks of North & Middle Andaman district, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Taluk | Population | Area (km2) | Pop. Density | Sex-ratio |
Diglipur | 43183 | 1523.38 | 28 | 911 |
Rangat | 36626 | 1355.35 | 27 | 935 |
Mayabunder | 25788 | 857.42 | 30 | 935 |
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