Rangat Taluk Population - North & Middle Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Rangat is a Taluk located in North & Middle Andaman district of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is one of 3 Taluks of North & Middle Andaman district. There are 96 villages and 1 towns in Rangat Taluk.

As per the Census India 2011, Rangat Taluk has 9181 households, population of 36626 of which 18933 are males and 17693 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 3666 which is 10.01% of total population.

The sex-ratio of Rangat Taluk is around 935 compared to 876 which is average of Andaman & Nicobar Islands state. The literacy rate of Rangat Taluk is 75.94% out of which 79.93% males are literate and 71.67% females are literate. The total area of Rangat is 1355.35 sq.km with population density of 27 per sq.km.

Out of total population, 92.52% of population lives in Urban area and 7.48% lives in Rural area. There are 0 Scheduled Caste (SC) and 1.21% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Rangat Taluk.

Rangat Religion Population

Religion not stated1660.45%
Other religions and persuasions110.03%

Rangat Urban & Rural Population

Out of total population, 50% of population lives in Urban area and 60% lives in Rural area
Number of households7248457
Total Population274133885
Population (%)51.22%48.27%
Male Population140417529
Female Population133716356
Sex Ratio952933
Literacy (%)75.23%76%

List of Cities in Rangat

Check out complete list of all town cities of Rangat in Rangat district, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Bakultala (CT)274175.23%952

List of Villages in Rangat

Check out complete list of all villages of Rangat in Rangat district, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Rangat (RV)378483.19%958
Nimbutala (RV)306373.85%902
Kadamtala (RV)300874.2%893
Nilambur (RV)149876.5%953
Rampur (RV)134979.61%1075
Kaushalyanagar (RV)121578.68%904
Santanu (RV)120274.96%997
Uttara (RV)116466.15%893
Long Island (RV)102876.36%958
Sabari (RV)101876.13%961
Parnasala (RV)100473.01%946
Janakpur (RV)100077.8%927
Panchawati (RV)95286.34%919
Shivapuram (RV)87881.55%896
Desharatpur (RV)76681.85%949
Sundergarh (RV) (including EFA)76474.48%1048
Adojig (RV) (including EFA)73277.19%1028
Saktigarh (RV)70777.09%942
Mithila (RV)69280.06%944
Padmanabhapuram (RV)65975.72%1009
Amkunj (RV)54878.28%1068
Dharmapur (RV)38877.84%950
Kalsi (RV)35476.84%914
Laxmanpur (RV)34875.57%977
Thoraktang (FC)34655.2%802
Sitapur (RV)33378.08%903
Nayagarh (RV)33072.73%953
Bejoygarh (RV)29977.93%801
Shyamkund (RV)29472.11%793
Thiruvanchikulam (RV)25677.34%984
Kanchangarh (RV)24376.54%929
Cutbert Bay (EFA)23862.61%700
South Creek (EFA, FC & APWDC)22074.09%849
Wrafter's Creek (EFA)22078.18%1018
Rajatgarh (RV)21271.23%1058
Urmilapur (RV)20565.37%898
Sanker Nallaha (PWDC)19469.59%940
Raglachang (Nayadera) (FC)18468.48%752
Lorrojig (FC) & Vishnu Nallaha (APWDC)17984.36%1011
Yeratiljig (RV)16371.17%1090
Vishnupur (RV)15980.5%807
Macarthy Valley (EFA)14266.2%1029
Panchawati (EFA)11968.07%776
Porlobjig No. 3 (JPPC, APWDC & ANIFPDC)11754.7%481
Khatta Khari (RV)10869.44%831
Bharatpur (RV)10174.26%1020
Nilambur (EFA)8473.81%953
Raglachang (RV)7978.48%975
Khatta Khari (EFA)7564%705
Foster Valley (EFA)7071.43%556
Bangaon (RV)6759.7%811
Udhaygarh (RV)6473.44%778
Abaygarh (RV)5977.97%1185
Wrafter's Creek (RV)5875.86%706
Sagwan Nallaha (FC)4575.56%1045
Bolcha (EFA)4580%875
Between Chotaligbang and Foul Bay (JA)430955
Strait Island (AS)3979.49%500
Chotaligbang (JA)380810
Dhani Nallaha (EFA)3756.76%1313
Dhani Nallaha (JA)360714
Charlungta (FC)3384.85%941
Rajatgarh (EFA)3381.82%650
Yeratiljig No. 9 (JPPC)3256.25%778
Ramachandra Nagar (RV)2885.71%1154
Porlobjig No. 15 (FC, APWDC & JPPC)2766.67%1077
Charlungta II (FC)2676.92%733
Foul Bay (JA)1701429
Lakra Lungta (JA)170700
Gol Pahar (EFA)1181.82%833
Boroinyol II (FC)1060%667
Sippi Tikry (EFA)988.89%1250
Bamboo Tikry (JPPC)580%4000
Pawajig (FC)475%333
Lalajig Bay (AC)4100%0
Merk Bay (AC)3100%0
Papita Dera (FC)200
Yeratiljig No. 11 (JPPC)1100%0
Sukha Nallaha (EFA)1100%0
Elephenstone Harbour (FC)000
Parnasala II (FC)000
Japan Tikri (EFA)000
Pawajig & Nayadera (FC)000
Kalsi (JPPC)000
Sastri Nallah (FC)000
Kalsi No. 6 (JPPC)000
Kalsi No. 4 (JPPC)000
Kalsi No. 3 (JPPC)000
Middle Strait (JPPC)000
Porlobjig No.10 (FC & JPPC)000
Porlobjig No.9 (JPPC)000
Spike Island (JA)000
Boreham Valley (FS)000
Yeratiljig No. 10 (JPPC)000
Porlob Depot. (FC)000

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Rangat Population Facts

Number of Households9181
Male Population18933 (51.69%)
Female Population17693 (48.31%)
Children Population3666
Area1355.35 km2
Population density/km227
Male Literacy79.93%
Female Literacy71.67%
Scheduled Tribes (ST) %1.21%
Scheduled Caste (SC) %0

Map of Rangat, North & Middle Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Nearby Taluks of Rangat, Andaman & Nicobar Islands