Chanakya Puri Taluk Population - New Delhi, NCT Of Delhi

Chanakya Puri is a Taluk located in New Delhi district of NCT Of Delhi. It is one of 3 Taluks of New Delhi district. There are 0 villages and 1 towns in Chanakya Puri Taluk.

As per the Census India 2011, Chanakya Puri Taluk has 15074 households, population of 61382 of which 34005 are males and 27377 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 5992 which is 9.76% of total population.

The sex-ratio of Chanakya Puri Taluk is around 805 compared to 868 which is average of NCT Of Delhi state. The literacy rate of Chanakya Puri Taluk is 78.49% out of which 82.64% males are literate and 73.34% females are literate. The total area of Chanakya Puri is 19.65 with population density of 3124 per

Out of total population, 0 of population lives in Urban area and 100% lives in Rural area. There are 24.59% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0 Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Chanakya Puri Taluk.

Chanakya Puri Religion Population

Religion not stated970.16%
Other religions and persuasions280.05%

Chanakya Puri Urban & Rural Population

Out of total population, 50% of population lives in Urban area and 60% lives in Rural area
Number of households150740
Total Population613820
Population (%)55.4%0
Male Population340050
Female Population273770
Sex Ratio8050
Literacy (%)78.49%0

List of Cities in Chanakya Puri

Check out complete list of all town cities of Chanakya Puri in Chanakya Puri district, NCT Of Delhi
New Delhi Municipal Council (Part) (MCI)6138278.49%805
There are no villages found.

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Chanakya Puri Population Facts

Number of Households15074
Male Population34005 (55.4%)
Female Population27377 (44.6%)
Children Population5992
Area19.65 km2
Population density/km23124
Male Literacy82.64%
Female Literacy73.34%
Scheduled Tribes (ST) %0
Scheduled Caste (SC) %24.59%

Map of Chanakya Puri, New Delhi, NCT Of Delhi

Nearby Taluks of Chanakya Puri, NCT Of Delhi