Chinnamottur is a village located in Tirupathur Taluk of Vellore district in Tamil Nadu. Around 2705 families reside in Chinnamottur village. Chinnamottur village is administered by Sarpanch(Head of village) who is elected every five years.
As per the Census India 2011, Chinnamottur village has population of 11304 of which 5831 are males and 5473 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 1314 which is 11.62% of total population.
The sex-ratio of Chinnamottur village is around
939 compared to
996 which is average of Tamil Nadu state. The literacy rate of Chinnamottur village is 65.29% out of which 71.41% males are literate and 58.76% females are literate. There are 14.04% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0.42% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Chinnamottur village.
Chinnamottur Population Facts
Number of Households | 2705 |
Population | 11304 |
Male Population | 5831 (51.58%) |
Female Population | 5473 (48.42%) |
Children Population | 1314 |
Sex-ratio | 939 |
Literacy | 65.29% |
Male Literacy | 71.41% |
Female Literacy | 58.76% |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) % | 0.42% |
Scheduled Caste (SC) % | 14.04% |
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