Ferrargunj Taluk Population - South Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Ferrargunj is a Taluk located in South Andaman district of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is one of 3 Taluks of South Andaman district. There are 76 villages and 1 towns in Ferrargunj Taluk.

As per the Census India 2011, Ferrargunj Taluk has 12498 households, population of 53565 of which 27908 are males and 25657 are females. The population of children between age 0-6 is 5854 which is 10.93% of total population.

The sex-ratio of Ferrargunj Taluk is around 919 compared to 876 which is average of Andaman & Nicobar Islands state. The literacy rate of Ferrargunj Taluk is 78.19% out of which 81% males are literate and 75.14% females are literate. The total area of Ferrargunj is 1343.70 sq.km with population density of 40 per sq.km.

Out of total population, 85.14% of population lives in Urban area and 14.86% lives in Rural area. There are 0 Scheduled Caste (SC) and 0.91% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Ferrargunj Taluk.

Ferrargunj Religion Population

Religion not stated3080.58%
Other religions and persuasions240.04%

Ferrargunj Urban & Rural Population

Out of total population, 50% of population lives in Urban area and 60% lives in Rural area
Number of households190710591
Total Population796245603
Population (%)51.38%47.77%
Male Population409123817
Female Population387121786
Sex Ratio946915
Literacy (%)78.65%78.11%

List of Cities in Ferrargunj

Check out complete list of all town cities of Ferrargunj in Ferrargunj district, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Bambooflat (CT)796278.65%946

List of Villages in Ferrargunj

Check out complete list of all villages of Ferrargunj in Ferrargunj district, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Wimberlygunj (RV)401080.97%971
Shore Point (RV)307375.04%900
Chouldari (RV)238276.45%918
Manglutan (RV)228080.48%919
Namunaghar (RV)192678.09%942
Bindraban (RV)178580.06%928
North Bay (RV)160366.06%873
Ograbraij (RV)146780.37%843
Wandur (RV)143779.54%881
Shoal Bay (RV)137376.18%920
Tusnabad (RV)132079.62%938
Knapuram (RV)131782.16%954
Ferrargunj (RV)131480.82%885
Mannarghat (RV)125980.62%958
Hope Town (RV)125878.06%915
Stewartgunj (RV)117280.55%997
Mithakhari (RV)107179.37%869
Guptapara (RV)93677.14%895
Caddlegunj (RV) (incl. Sona Pahar & Hazari Bagh (JPPC)84578.46%925
Mathura (RV)80177.15%998
Manpur (RV)75381.67%971
Badmash Pahar (RV)72875.69%896
Dhanikhari (RV)71481.51%904
Wright Myo (RV)66876.95%925
Hashmatabad (RV)62679.07%903
Malapuram (RV)61783.14%965
Manjeri (RV) & Line Dera (FC)61374.39%886
Dundas Point (RV)53983.3%905
Kadakachang (RV)53876.58%921
Govindapuram (RV)52083.85%933
Hobdipur (RV)47681.51%838
Port Mouat (RV)47577.26%786
Colinpur (RV)44979.51%833
Nayashahar (RV)42579.76%968
Homfreygunj (RV)42482.55%876
Maymyo (EFA)41969.21%830
Mile Tilek (RV) & Mile Tilek (EFA)41179.56%921
Maymyo (RV)40679.56%789
Herbertabad (RV)36980.76%973
Temple Myo (RV)34681.5%891
Muslim Basti (RV)34375.51%864
Jirkatang No.2 (EFA)30479.28%900
Hashmatabad (EFA)24676.83%1033
Tirur (RV)23385.41%792
Nayashahar (EFA)20872.12%1080
Craikabad (RV)16782.04%722
Manglutan (EFA)15076%852
Between Middle Strait (JPPC) & Jirkatang (JA)1430907
Aniket (RV)12982.95%955
Kalatang (RV)11668.97%758
Mile Tilek (ARF)11578.26%983
Beach Dera (EFA)10075%1174
Tirur (JA)8401270
Alipur (RV)5064%724
Jhinga Nallaha (JPPC & APWDC)1668.75%778
Mohwa Dera (RV)1457.14%0
Pongi Balu (FC) & Bada Balu (EFA)1258.33%1400
Coffee Plot875%333
Middle Strait (JPPC)6100%200
Mile Tilek (JPPC)6100%500
Flat Bay (RV)520%0
Balughat (RV)333.33%0
Viper Island (RV)000
Potatang (FC)000
Shoal Bay 17 (FC)000
Shoal Bay 19 (FC)000
Mrichi Dera (EFA)000
Jirkatang Camp No. 7 (FC)000
Tirur (JPPC)000
Jirkatang No. 2 (RV)000
Tirur I (JPPC)000
Anjali Nallaha (JPPC)000
Tirur IV (JPPC)000
Madhuban (RV)000
Lohabarrack (WLS)000
Mount Harriet (RV)000

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Ferrargunj Population Facts

Number of Households12498
Male Population27908 (52.1%)
Female Population25657 (47.9%)
Children Population5854
Area1343.70 km2
Population density/km240
Male Literacy81%
Female Literacy75.14%
Scheduled Tribes (ST) %0.91%
Scheduled Caste (SC) %0

Map of Ferrargunj, South Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Nearby Taluks of Ferrargunj, Andaman & Nicobar Islands